The All My Relations program is staffed by qualified clinicians and treatment professionals. We have structured and intensive individual and group therapy sessions. Some indigenous nations refer to the holistic model as the “medicine wheel” which forms our program structure. Clients work with our clinical staff to address the areas in their life that need focused healing.
Each weekday morning, clients attend an education session related to addiction recovery. We have regular guests such as elders come in to provide traditional teachings. Our counselling staff delivers workshops on personal wellness, relapse prevention and the 12 step model of addiction recovery. Through these educational workshops, clients explore the personal and collective reasons that led to their addiction.
Recovery is a process where one realizes they are on the black road while under the influence of substances, they recognize that Creator can give them strength, a place where they can examine their past errors to recognize where they went out of balance, they take actions restoring balance and harmony, they begin to learn to live a spiritual life based upon cultural principles with a new code of behaviours and eventually start helping others. Cultural teachings are also provided which allow men to continue walking the red road after treatment.